梦生烟:越看越带劲 虽然皮套很卡通 看久了就觉得设计的还可以吧 花里胡哨 但比较耐看 开始很讨厌黎斗 后面还挺喜欢 洗的很好 哈哈
13豆瓣绿:矫情完了清新完了总得面对现实这是真爱使命2沉默 电视剧也是生活它不完美但它真实
冷山: some disputed barricade . When Spring comes back with rustling shade and apple-blossoms fill the air — I have a rendezvous with Death
陪自己走天涯:我心中的经典小时候看是觉得很好玩使命2沉默 电视剧现在看发现里面有很多人生道理非常值得回味一部情景喜剧能做到这样非常棒了
羊弎岁: a load of shite. Typical modern British rubbish: unfunny, unimaginative, uninspired; brainless, witless, senseless. Yet it exudes complacency and self-importance in every minute. This show marks BBC's decline and attests to its now utter lack of creativity.